Friday, July 19, 2013

summer 2013

It's Friday night and everyone (hubby included) fell asleep around 9. Score! ;) So I decided to pour a glass of milk and grab a few Oreos (my weakness) and document life these days.

I have so much to share. And not nearly enough time. It has been difficult being a parent of two for the summer. While trying to work and take a class! I've loved it, but it was just hard trying to juggle so many things at once. I didn't really give anyone or anything my undivided love and attention. I tried to be intentional at times and succeeded, but in general I feel like I failed at it this summer. My heart hurts over this and I already regret some of the decisions I made like putting an email or two before the family. Ah! Well I have one more week with my sweet, little brother, Josiah, and I plan on being extra, extra intentional. Note to self: Put less STUFF on your plate next summer, Brigette!

On a happier note, Josiah's best quote for the summer...
We were both sitting on the bed staring at Ella (which we do a lot of around here) and he yells, "This cuteness needs to be shared online!!" Haha. Oh, social media.

Favorite summer memories:
custom orders | morning cuddles | seeing my two littles love each other | calligraphy | organized office | sleepy littles cuddling | more and more custom orders (praise God!) | dreaming up plans | shipping out orders | falling more in love with Ella | practice calligraphy ALOT

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