Sunday, August 25, 2013


Hello! It's been a while. Life's been a bit crazy. Good crazy, but crazy nonetheless!

Here's a "what's-going-on-in Brigette's-life" dump:

-God has called us to join a church plant here in New Orleans- with an eight month old. Which is good, but realllly challenging for her when she misses out on naps or is out way past her bedtime. This makes for an unhappy baby and a stressed out momma. Pray for us!
-I'm taking classes to learn more about design.
-Dreaming up ideas and designing my way through them.
-I started a temporary part-time job doing data entry from home.
-I've had 42 sales on Etsy + lots of side jobs. God's been good.
-All while trying to keep the home from falling apart (aka cooking and cleaning- every once in a while ;)).
-Being a mom. Enough said, right?! This alone takes up about 98%of my time and energy.

I know this may not be much to some super people, but it's a lot for me! Never enough hours in the day to get all I need to do done. Even when I wake up at 5!
All that to say, blogging hasn't been a priority. I've even considered never blogging again because it seems like a waste of time at times.

I have been able to seek God though. And it has been sweeeeet.

One thing He just continues to press in to me:
“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass.The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.” 1 Peter 1:24-25

This life isn't it. This life isn't it. This life isn't it. Amen?

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