Sunday, December 16, 2012

my little love

Incase you've somehow managed to miss Ella's picture overload, she is heeere! Yay! Yay! Yaaay!

the birth story
(In a nut-shell so I can go love on my little girl.)

I woke up in the wee hours of Tuesday, December 11th, feeling something I hadn't felt before but now know-- contractions. I went on having a rather productive Wednesday with contractions that were a little painful on and off but had no idea. By the time Jeff and I got home (4pm) I just knew they had to be, but didn't want to be that couple that went to the hospital and got sent back home. So I laid in bed and started to time them.

After about an hour I called Labor and Delivery to tell them I was pretty sure I was in labor aaand... they told me to drink water... Ha! So what did I do? I drank water. Lots of water. They seemed to get more and more intense/frequent. Around 10pm I called Labor and Delivery again they told me to time myself for an hour. I did. Called back. They told me to time myself for an hour again. I did. All while they were getting more intense and more frequent still. I decided we were just gonna go, so I showered, got our bags ready and headed over.

I was 4cm dilated and 90% effaced around 1am. Yay! And for some reason I decided to hold off on the epi. I finally wised up and asked them to put it in. And they did... in the wrong spot! Whoops. Big whoops. So I was numbed for a c-section and they couldn't give me the epidural in the correct spot until the first one had worn off and by that time the contractions were on full mode. OUCH y'all! To all you natural women out there, you. are. amazing!

By 1pm, I was 10cm dilated and ready for theee most intense 2 hour workout of my life! At 3:02pm my little love was born.

By God's grace, Ella and I were doing so well they let us out the very next day. By God's grace, she is latching well, getting fed, and giving us dirty diapers to change. By God's grace, Jeff and I are enjoying being her momma and daddy so, so much. We are in love! And we may or may not fight over who gets to hold her. Haha.


  1. Love it! She's so beautiful, congratulations to the Turner family!! <3

  2. She's beautiful! So excited for you both!
